De-Risking & Preserving Capital

If you already have a viable product and you have proven that people will buy it, you have cleared the two hardest initial hurdles.

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The next step of scaling the business introduces a number of unavoidable challenges that are surprisingly easy to manage if you have the right experience-based support.

Focus, Focus, Focus

Market studies often conclude that the #1 reason startups fail is premature scaling.

My experience has revealed a deeper root cause - losing focus.

Managing investors, attorneys, staffing and the other necessities of scale will take attention away from product and revenue.


When you sketch out your long term plan, your future org chart will be filled with specialists.

But during your first 2-3 years, a versatile, flexible and even modular staff will be ideal.

A CXO will have the broad array of specialized skills necessary to establish a platform for long-term growth and success.

Build a lasting foundation for growth while you focus on what you do best.